Clark's Gemworks
Pkmn PearGreen ROM, by KantoClark
Pkmn PearGreen ROM, by KantoClark
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Hey all, I am very excited to share here the project I have been working on for most of the last year, my very own PKMN Rom-hack, PearGreen version!!
I want to be very clear that this game is FREE to download and play, and there is a link in this post for where to find the game. If you play and enjoy the game, and want to support my continued work on future project and endeavors, there is an option to donate, which I greatly appreciate. But to be clear, if you buy from this listing here, you are donating as your support of our work, and will not receive anything from us other than the game which is free to download above. If you want to support us and get something extra for doing so, consider getting a themed pendant :)
To make the game, you will need:
- Your own copy of a Pokemon LeafGreen.gba file. I suggest version 1.1 shared above to make sure the game will work properly when you make a copy.
- One of the patches in my file folder (I tried it with the IPS patch and it worked)
To make the game, just go to the website in the link titled 'RomPatchMaker', add the leafgreen file as the main file, and the patch as the secondary file, as indicated in the included picture. This will spit you out a patched copy of leafgreen that is now my game to play. Just rename the file if you want it to be called PearGreen, and enjoy!!
Now let’s talk about the game!!!
This game takes place in the next century after a great disaster has drastically altered the Kanto region, separating the ‘Sevii Region’ from ‘Greater Kanto,’ and leaving much of the region lost. After this disaster, new ‘paradox’ forms of old Pkmn appeared and outcompeted their old forms to dominate the region, although these forms remain rare to see throughout Sevii. Lower unevolved forms remain largely unaffected, however they do not evolve anymore in order to avoid becoming prey to the overtaken forms. The power levels of all Pkmn have adjusted though along with this evolutionary race of sorts…
You will go through a changed Sevii Region, encountering many familiar but altered landscapes, with additional areas and plenty of post-game content, and a few special additions of my own that make the game unique. Collect these new forms throughout the journey to build a unique team with, and be ready for the expansive post-game!!
- Largely preserved all the original mechanics and parameters of the game, meaning no fairy, Pkmn types are split by physical special (normal, ground, steel vs. fire, grass, electric). Etc.
- Around 150 replaced Pkmn forms with their own unique types, stats, and movepools
- Buffed stats that largely even out among all the Pkmn's interactions (Paradox forms on average have Base Stat Totals between 580 and 620, and don't have a booster energy lol)
- All the same items of FireRed with some TM/tutor move changes, trade changes
- 3 completely new pkmn (one being Gorochu); 3 special 'mythicals'
- 6 new moves and 2 secret new moves
- Map reworked while keeping the old map
- Shiny odds increased x9 from original odds, to about .1%. Fully updated shinies for new forms and some for remaining old forms.
- Expansive post-game region, with many changes of the game increasing after ~Gym 4.
- Only borrowed features are the Gorochu front (official?) and back sprites (VivinkArt?)
- Espeon and Umbreon now obtained via Sun and Moon Stone evolution
- Only thing I expanded codewise is I added one move to the game before deciding it was better to replace moves. That is why when you use Night Slash it just says 'used a dark move.' I broke up some palettes for sprites, but the auto-pointer should have that handled. I noticed some hidden items not working towards the end of making the game, so I had to abide by the natural limit there and just do away with the ones that weren't working.
I will be making sure there is nothing wrong with the game as I do one final play though myself but I'm pretty sure everything is in working shape and I am super excited to release it! I will probably make a special edition soon, as well as going back and enriching some sprites, items abundance, etc. after taking a few months break. Thanks to Haven1433 for making HexManiacAdvance too.
But just like the old games, remember that you will likely have to feel your way through the game in your first play! If the community doesn't develop its own store of knowledge for where certain items are, etc, you will have to do the old fashion talking to people in the game to find out where certain key items or places to go might be. For me, I have a memory of this game like I do of Ruby/Sapphire. I know where all the HMs are, where to go, etc, because I played it (and made it lol), and I hope everyone enjoys returning to this form of exploratory play while things are gearing up for the next big real game in the franchise. There's lots of funny and light-hearted moments, but also deep and thought-provoking gems to be found in this game. I look forward to seeing if anyone tries to Nuzlocke the game or anything fun like that.
So thanks everyone and enjoy! [March 15, 2024, Jan 21, 2025]